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Final Elements in Safety Instrumented Systems - IEC 61511 Compliant Systems and IEC 61508 Compliant Products
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How are final control elements used in Safety Instrumented Systems? How do the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 functional safety standards apply to these final control elements?
The answers to these questions are in this book “Final Elements in Safety Instrumented Systems, IEC 61511 Compliant Systems and IEC 61508 Compliant Products”.
The book covers the overall functional safety lifecycle and reliability requirements with special focus on the challenges encountered when dealing with complex electro-mechanical elements/subsystems. The book reviews the application of failure analysis as it applies to mechanical components that are utilized in final control elements and discusses in detail sources of failure rate data. Various valve, actuator, and control technologies are reviewed along with their strengths and weaknesses when applied in safety applications.
The book is divided in 4 major sections:
- Functional Safety and Final Elements
- Equipment Used in Final Elements
- IEC 61511 Compliant System Design
- IEC 61508 Compliant Product Development
ISBN-13: 978-193497718-7
Publish Date: April 23, 2018
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